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You have questions and here are some answers!
How do I share my Ancestry DNA with you?
Link to Step-by Step instructions here.
What do you need to start my Heirloom Art project?
A: Every project begins with a collaboration call. If your family history is digital I will need a Gedcom file. This is an easy export from most online and desktop genealogy software.
Link to How-To Doc instructions.
What is a GEDCOM file?
A: a Gedcom is the data-file generated from an export of your digital research.When your family research is done online (Ancestry, myheritage) or in a genealogy application (Family Tree Maker, Reunion, Roots Magic) you can export the information as data in a GEDCOM file. This not difficult. Instructions for exporting are available here.
Link to Download How To Doc
I have three online trees. Can you merge them?
A: Yes, I can. We should talk about that in our call. It will be part of my assessments to determine a quote.
Book a collaboration call now
What do you need to begin my Family Tree Builder?
A: I need a start from you – ideally I need to get to the first ancestor who is no longer alive.
Download the FREE Start-Chart.
I do not have research done, can I still get Heirloom Art?
A: You have a couple of choices. With any of the choices I believe that using the Start Chart is a good place to develop those beginnings.
Download the FREE Start-Chart.
If doing the research is not your thing I suggest a
Would you like to learn how to start your own research? I think I want to do it myself. What’s the best site to use?
• • •
Link to Family Tree Builder package.
Link to the Shoppe
Link to Overview of Big 4 Giants
My research is in binders / an old book / papers—definitely not in digital format. What now?
A: On our call we can chat about this. I can include Transcription. Often once I get this great start to building your digital tree, I can verify and expand upon it.
Book a collaboration call now
I did my AncestryDNA and cannot for the life of me figure out what this all means, except that apparently I am 93% Scottish and need to get a kilt.
A: Organizing AncestryDNA results is one of my super powers.On our collaboration call let’s chat about some of your big questions. As I organize I can address them and put forward some theories.
Link to Shoppe DNA Organization.
I see that I will receive digital files when you are done. I really want a printed poster with copies and maybe already framed. Can I get that?
A: Yes! I can arrange everything for you. We can talk about the number of prints you want and if you would prefer to receive it already framed.
Can I get my Heirloom Poster Art printed on Canvas or Metal?
A: Printing on different media is very cool! I will want to know this in advance as the art has to be prepared differently. Costco Photo Centers and other online photo print services do a great job on canvas and metal.
NOTE: Posters cannot be larger than 20 x 16” for print legibility.
Hi! do you remember me? I commissioned a fabulous family gift from you a few years back. This year 2 cousins were married, 1 passed away and my sister had a baby! Can I get an update to my art?
A: Families are always changing. That’s a good thing! I archive your art and can make those changes.
Small changes that are mostly just dates can be ordered here
Link to The Shoppe Updates
Changes that require the branches to be reorganized deserve a chat first.
Book a collaboration: Call Now
Wow! I discovered another whole branch in my tree! Can I still get changes to my art? A: Full branches may result in bigger design changes. I can de-archive your art and renovate from there. Let’s make a new collaboration call to chat about it and get you an estimate and timeline.
Book a collaboration call now.
Do you design for Societies?
A: Yes I do. I design Table-Top folded Displays and one time I designed a Museum exhibit.
Link to The Unordinary
Your trees are wonderful — I have my own art idea. Could you work with me on it? A: I love going “off-road”! I can hardly wait to listen to what’s on your mind. Take a look at:
Link to The Unordinary