Holiday Gift Package with AncestryDNA
Now C$337, reg C$471 + GST
Includes Family Tree Builder Research Package, AncestryDNA Kit and Custom Mini Tree Art.
You receive an AncestryDNA Kit now, to wrap and gift. Everyone loves a physical gift to unwrap, right?!
“Spit Coaching” is offered, once you are ready. After your results arrive, I will organize them and start to build your tree for you. The package includes a minimum of five research hours.
Finally, you receive a report, a chart, digital sourced records, found photos and access to your tree at Ancestry.
Best of all in this package, you receive a beautiful 14 x 11″ poster, that I custom design from your tree. You can print as many as you want!
*Fine Print: Shipping extra, outside of the Lower Mainland, BC (approx. $6). If you are adopted or do not know the identity of a parent this gift may not be suited to you, as it only includes a minimum amount of hours and these cases require more. You may exchange the Custom Tree art for additional research hours, if this applies.
Holiday Gift page without AncestryDNA Kit
Now C$274, reg C$324 + GST
Includes Family Tree Builder Research Package and Custom Mini Tree Art.
Share your AncestryDNA results with me and I will organize them and start to build your tree for you. The package includes a minimum of five research hours.
Finally, you receive a report, a chart, digital sourced records, found photos and access to your tree at Ancestry.
Best of all in this package, you receive a beautiful 14 x 11″ poster, that I custom design from your tree. You can print as many as you want!
*Fine Print: If you are adopted or do not know the identity of a parent this gift may not be suited to you, as it only includes a minimum amount of hours and these cases require more. You may exchange the Custom Tree art for additional research hours, if this applies.
DIY Fillable 8-Generation Charts
Now C$17, reg C$30 + GST
Record 8 Generations of your Family Tree digitally! A filled out chart for family makes a loving gift for relatives—or friends if you have done their tree.
Save and re-name the file to start a new family. Use this one file over and over.
Upload to your favorite printer or photo-lab to get a hard-copy print to frame. 20″ x 16″ Final size.
Options include:
My Family – Leaves – Eng
My Family – Tree – Eng
My Heritage – Cabin – Eng
My Roots – Forest – Eng
My Roots – Mountains – Eng
Our Family – Tree _ Eng
Ma famille – arbre – Fra
Mon heritage – cabine – Fra