Generations pass like leaves fall from your family tree. Each season, new life blossoms and grows, benefiting from the strength and experience of those who went before.
Size 7” wide x 7” tall, 88 pages, with jacket
Dedicated to the Author’s Mother
Judy Piercey (Novelist, Journalist and former CBC producer) collaborated so well on “The Washstand’s Journey” that she contacted me for her gift to her mother. Beth was turning 95 and the extended family was set to gather to celebrate. Beth was born in Chapel Hill Newfoundland and lived a life that saw many challenges and a lot of history. Judy brilliantly weaves the history of Newfoundland as it changed in Beth’s lifetime. My biggest challenge was to integrate the side-stories from many members of the family. I was able to source a gorgeous painting for the cover by artist Ed Roche. I created a physical map along with a few genealogical maps for detail. I contributed with editing, design and layout. Beth’s life is fascinating.