Generations pass like leaves fall from your family tree. Each season, new life blossoms and grows, benefiting from the strength and experience of those who went before.
Size 10” wide x 8.5” tall, 88 pages, with jacket
Dedicated to the Memory of the Author’s Grandmother
Helen was soon to turn 90 years of age and she was the last member of her generation who had personal memories of her grandmother, her father and all of her aunts and uncles. Her grand- niece asked about family stories on her last visit to the United Kingdom. Helen realized then that it was time to start writing down all her reminisces. Her greatest role model growing up in Paisley, Scotland was her grandmother Jane Love Cunningham—her story was the beginning. Helen wrote out her family tree and then proceeded to capture genealogical information and photos! While editing I suggested some maps of Paisley and her grandmothers properties for context. From Helen’s sketched out tree, I found additional historical detail and something that was very important to Helen: a pull-out family line chart (5 generations & 165 descendants), which was printed separately and attached to the printed books.