Generations pass like leaves fall from your family tree. Each season, new life blossoms and grows, benefiting from the strength and experience of those who went before.
Parents, 9 Generations, 42 Parent Sets plus 3 Generations of Living Family.
Size: 14” wide x 11” tall
Mother’s Day Gift
My client was very interested in his family and was keen to have a gift for his mom. He took up the family tombe that outlined many genera2ons who emigrated from Prussia and Ukraine and transcribed it into a digital format so all he had to provide was a gedcom. As we chaWed about family and heirlooms he remembered that his mother had lovingly created a quilt from laces that had be handed down through genera2ons. He was able to get me the digital photo and after a bit of photoshop magical-ness I had it straightened out to use in the background. He also had this terrific family photo taken at a beautiful garden. “Cuttung” it out was tricky and it sure looks great now! Between the garden, the family shirt colours and the background sunset the colour scheme emerged.